
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to Spot a Wedding Crasher


You might want to keep a watchful eye for any guests that are shamelessly eating your hundred dollar lobster and drinking from your custom bar. Or how about a guest that makes an awkward speech and ends it by saying "Congratulations to a life of imprisonment"? All the while everyone is wondering, "who the hell is that?!?".

If you have a guest that doesn't appear to have close ties to anyone then maybe they've come just to crash your party. That my friends, is what we call "The Wedding Crasher". In Hawaii, wedding crashers show up in surf shorts and sand covered feet. They start dancing to the wrong beat as they go straight for the booze. Unfortunately this may end up in a call to the police. But just think, you'll have one hell of a story to tell!

Oh, and don't forget the ever obvious X girlfriend or boyfriend that has had a few drinks and has either come to pledge their undying love for you or is on a mission from hell. It is in situations like this where the best man comes in handy. That's right best men! You do have a job, you just didn't know it.

Tips to keep crashers out of the party: Hire Security and provide them with a guest list. Hire a wedding planner that keeps a head count. Select a private reception location that can be closed off. Or, keep the party small enough to spot any intruders.

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